Free Preschool

For Immediate Release

Desert Sands Unified School District Early Childhood Programs are now taking Recruitment Applications for their preschool programs. The District (DSUSD) operates three preschool programs: Head Start, State Preschool and Child Development Center. These programs are available to children and families residing within the DSUSD boundaries. There are six part day/traditional school year Head Start programs and five full day/full year Head Start programs located in Indio and Palm Desert. Head Start is a federally funded program. There are five state-funded preschools: the State Preschool classes are part-day programs open from September to June located in Indio and Palm Desert; Child Development Center is in La Quinta and provides full day/full year services.

All three programs support the social, emotional, physical and educational needs of the child in a safe and healthy environment. Each of the programs is based on solid developmentally appropriate practices which foster language and literacy. The teaching staff is fully credentialed through the California Teachers Commission. The support staff is well trained and knowledgeable of community resources, mental health, social services, health, and nutrition. Children who participate in DSUSD Early Childhood Education receive free medical and dental screenings, have healthy snacks and lunches, and enjoy playing indoors and outdoors in a safe environment.

In Palm Desert we have a fee based enrichment preschool. This program is also of high quality and has no income guidelines. The fee based program is a ten-month part day preschool program designed for the year before kindergarten. Parents can call the ECE office for more detailed information about this preschool option.

Head Start guidelines require that 10% of enrollment opportunities be reserved for children being served under the American Disabilities Act. The DSUSD Preschool Programs operate a nondiscriminatory basis and give equal treatment and access to services without regard to race, color, sex, creed, religion, national origin or ancestry.

Who is eligible?

Children between the ages of 3.9 – 4.9 years (born from December 3, 2001 through December 2, 2002). Family income must meet Federal and/or State Program guidelines. Families referred by CPS and/or the lowest income have first priorities.

What to bring to complete the Recruitment Application?

•Child’s Birth Certificate

•Immunization Record (TB clearance and current immunizations required)

•Proof of income for past 12 months.

Where to apply?

Desert Sands Unified School District, EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Office

47-950 Dune Palms Rd.

La Quinta, CA 92253

Phones: 771-8678, 771-8677, 771-8725

Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
