WHAT: Native American Film Festival & Cultural Weekend

DATE: March 3 through 6, 2005

WHERE: Camelot Theatres – located at The Palm Springs Mall, 2300 Baristo Road, Palm Springs


Advance Tickets:

Museum members $5

General Public $8

Day of:

Museum members $8

General Public $10

Opening and Closing Night and for the Storytelling event:

Advance tickets:

Museum Members $8

General Public $10

Day of:

Museum Members $12

General Public $15

INFORMATION: For complete festival information or to purchase tickets, please call Camelot Theatres at 760/325-6565.

MORE: The Fourth Annual Native American Film Festival & Cultural Weekend will include nine feature films, one short film set, and a special Native American Storytelling event. In addition, special opening & closing night receptions will be offered at $10 per person including screening. This event is presented by the Agua Caliente Cultural Museum and Camelot Theatres.
