Garcia attends the Mexican Independence Day Celebration

Eduardo Garcia celebrated with the senior citizens at the Coachella Senior Center, the happiest place in Coachella. Traditional foods, music and dress dominated the smells, sounds and sights of the center. At this colorful celebration, members of the Coachella Senior Center selected Consuelo Godwin as the “Senior Queen of 2006”.

Garcia who has made it a custom to visit the center weekly, keeps a finger on the community pulse of this active and lively group. Garcia states, “having lunch with our senior community, I can guide them to resolve problems they may be having such as with their water bills, abandoned cars on their block or street lights that are not working”. He continues, “It is important to listen to their needs. I know senior housing and medical services are the two major issues that are brought up for discussion by the group.”

Councilmember Garcia is committed to being a spokesman for them and continue addressing these issues to bring affordable housing and affordable health care for seniors to the City of Coachella in the very near future.
