Who Is Family Health & Support Network, Inc.?
Family Health & Support Network, Inc. (FHSN) is a private nonprofit 501 (c)(3) corporation, located in Palm Desert, California.
Family Health & Support Network, Inc. was established in 2003 by a small group of individuals who have a genuine passion for helping children and families. These individuals came together to form an organization that would take a slightly different approach to foster care.
FHSN is licensed by the State of California to function as a “Treatment” Foster Family Agency. Currently we hold contracts with Riverside and San Bernardino Counties for the placement and administrative oversight for children who have been removed from their homes as victims of abuse and/or neglect.
The purpose of FHSN is to help high risk children in foster care (aged 0 – 18) develop into healthy and successful adults. We intend to accomplish this through the provision and services to children (and their birth families where appropriate): professional, well-trained and caring staff; and a community atmosphere that encourages teamwork and cooperation among youth, families, staff and volunteers.
Our Goals:
1. To attract, develop and maintain quality staff and foster families who have a genuine interest and commitment to our children in foster care:
2. To provide children who have been detained/removed from their families with safe and stable family/home environment;
3. To help our children achieve permanency through reunification, adoption assistance, or through a stable foster home environment;
4. To help our children develop trust, a sense of belonging, healthy identity, self-esteem, a passionate and positive outlook on life, teamwork and social skills, and other qualities that contribute to healthy adulthood;
5. To help our children strive educationally and vocationally and to generally help them develop skills and practices necessary to succeed as responsible adults; and
6. to advocate for the needs of children in foster care, and to increase awareness and support for their needs in the surrounding communities.
We realize that we need the help of the community if we are to truly reach our children in need. Please join with us and the Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce for our long awaited.