<!--:es-->Who Cares ?<!--:-->

Who Cares ?

The fiasco regarding Hillary Clinton’s emails is reflective of what she thinks of us as a nation. We spend our energy aligning with Hillary and ignoring various illegality issues or we become befuddled wondering why we are befuddled.
Despite denials, Hillary violated protocols and rules. All emails related to government entities end with .gov. With her own private server, Hillary was able to bypass government scrutiny, establish her own secret files and communicate incognito. We must understand this issue is not about emails, it is about her “private server”. A blind address supposedly nobody knows who it belongs to. The irony is the Chinese, the Russians, ISIS and every other enemy sorted through her unsecured private server messages. Our enemies knew more about Hillary’s emails than our president, if you can believe that. Big clue Mr. President; no “.gov” at the end of her email address, NOT a government server! Is he really that dense or conveniently pretends for political cover. We know the answer.
There are rules. The idea of establishing a rule means there is something bad on the other side. The argument something is wrong thus requiring a rule only works if the violator actually cares. If the individual simply does not care about right and wrong, what reason do they have to follow rules? If they can get away with it, there is no reason to follow rules or even the constitution. The fact Hillary does not care does not make it right.
America is beginning to notice the private server issue is not about Hillary, it is about the United States. We have suffered through 7 years with a president whose presidential terms are about his legacy, America be damned. America has never been so vulnerable as it is today, due to a lack of moral bearings, foresight and a total lack of perspective of what America stands for.
Those of us who still recall what America stood for, still respect God , the Stars and Stripes, and view the military as needed for our survival do not quibble with “what does it matter”?
We could say in general, the same things are right or wrong for everybody. But, not everyone has a reason to do the right thing. Only people with morals and concern for others follow the rules. What is deeply concerning about Hillary is the fact she has no motivation to follow rules. Her only motivation is her quest for power, another legacy in the making at the expense of our nation. Moral requirements for leadership of the United States do not mirror the standards of other nations. We aim to be better but many things you think are wrong are continually being accepted as morally correct. Many things we think of today as acceptable will inevitably be thought by future societies as morally wrong. There is a continual transition of thought oftentimes motivated by our own comforts as individuals or as a nation. Hillary is primarily motivated for her concern of self. This should be deeply troubling for anyone who can see similarities between our leadership now and what would be our leadership with Hillary. Both Hillary and Obama are motivated by what makes them personally feel bad or good. This has proven to be disastrous for our nation. When individuals are only motivated by their own comfort, it becomes hopeless to appeal for truth and concern for others.
Our nation has reached a crossroad where the telling of truth, curing our nation of fabrications, the acceptance of being once again an example to follow and being self sufficient is of primary importance.That is the enchantment at this moment with Trump who so far tells it like it is, and calls a spade a spade, wether we like it or not.
