Bloated With False Expectations

Bloated With False Expectations

Trying to pin down the complexity of the Trump phenomena is work for historians who will dissect the American voter for years to come. Political elites, mainstream media and establishment supporters will inundate the public with investigative, so called, “research” the common folk have already determined to be “garbaage”. The nation is frustrated by continual manipulation by career politicians who have become multi-millionaires while earning $170,000 a year. How does that happen when most of them have two households to maintain, one in Washington D.C. and one in their home town. How do politicians ala Hillary Clinton, who claims to be broke, own at least two multi million dollar homes, expends millions on travel alone, gets to spend a billion dollars to become the president of the United States, then insists she is one of us! Really? Am I missing something? Perhaps it is the scarce commodity once known as the “common sense” of voters.
Detractors doubt anyone can achieve success without bilking the taxpayer. Detractors are also more prone to support approved establishment scoundrels than outsiders. The double whammy confusing to most of us is demeaning to the point the shrug of the shoulder is the politically acceptable form of protest for law abiding citizens; a huge reason for wanting to see Donald Trump elevated to legitimate contestant. Trump must sidestep mainstream media who is eager to dispute any credibility he has to offer. Attacks attempting to undermine his self made persona will flourish daily promoted by establishment liberals, aided and abetted by naive Republicans still believing Mitt Romney, after two presidential attempts still has shreds of credibility to pick who will become our next president. House Speaker, Paul Ryan, Romney’s political sidekick has abdicated his Republican party leadership and is trudging through the mud waving the anti Trump flag while Hillary and Democrats snicker in and with the bushes. Romney and his philosophical look a-likes drool at lame third party prospects and totally ignore the reality of giving away the election.
In the view of naive politicians, one should not be able to obtain wealth the old fashioned way. Suckling from the taxpayer has established the path for the Nuevo Rich. Establishment politicians make a compelling case for the distribution of welfare starting with themselves. Whether food stamps or life time pensions for politicians, after four years in office, it all comes out of our tax paying pockets. As a nation, we have fallen victims and allow simple socialist minded politicians to convince us stripping the nation of defense capabilities is an acceptable way of channeling funds towards a more liberal agenda. We accept narrow minded leaders persuasive arguments to philosophically and constitutionally abandon the precepts of our founding document, the Constitution. The Constitution spells out, defending America, as the primary reason the federal government exists in the first place! Self preservation is a compelling reason any federal budget will rightfully have defense as a first expenditure.
Our current leadership is intentionally opening the door for Iran to arm itself with nuclear weaponry. America’s current leadership has even thrown $150 Billion into Iran’s pot. There is confusing clarity as to why we would choose to aggrandize Iranian President Ahmadinejad who firmly believes the end of history is only two or three years away before the 12th Imam, Shi’ism’s version of the Messiah reappears. He has stated from the podium before the General Assembly he believes the Islamic Revolution the world is currently encountering is to prepare the way for messianic redemption. Upheaval and chaos is in preparation for the arrival. Any person with an inkling of knowledge of the Islamic tenants knows exactly where Iran is headed. As naive Americans, we have no clue whatever our leadership is in conspiracy, duplicity with a dangerous religious ideology. The political cover from within the ranks of American leadership has been steadfast, convincing and instrumental in removing bricks of freedom from our societal wall. Americans sense the peril and are groping, reaching towards an outsider who clearly states what they have been thinking. Is there complete clarity in Trumps statements? Specifics may be lacking but with the setting sun as our guide, we can see the nation moving in unison towards the common goal of self preservation in a hostile world. A world hostile with revolutionaries already in our midst. A nation bloated with false expectations.
