Bonnie Garcia Outshines Stone One More Time

Bonnie Garcia advanced voters perceptions of her in a positive way at the second confrontation with her opponent for the 28th California Senate District. She very clearly demonstrated her experience in state government much to the dismay of her opponent Jeff Stone who has none. Stone became frustrated and during the summation at the end of the question and answer period, Stone broke the forum rule and started a direct attack on Garcia. The audience being very aware of the rules as articulated to the audience before the event became a bit boisterous. They shouted out “foul” as Stone continued his diatribe and accusations without merit. The Forum moderators immediately became aware of the audiences concerns of the lack of decorum and asked Stone to cease his verbal barrage. Moderators gave Garcia two minutes to respond. While these antics are to be expected in heated political races, it is a clear indication of temperament and justifies to a certain extent the accusations Stone is a “hot head”.
In her two minute response, Garcia addressed accusations she was not living in the district by citing her history of living in the Coachella Valley since 1988 and pointing out her family and neighbors asking reporters to ask them. Garcia also stunned the audience when she pointed out the fact the young man who had to call 911 when Jeff Stone flashed a fake badge after a road rage incident in Temecula was present in the audience. Stone’s objective was intimidation. “Ask him” Garcia responded; don’t take my word for it. Stone looked appalled and silenced. After the event, reporters were seen interviewing the quiet young man who seemed perfectly willing to retell his story. Garcia had not mentioned the road rage incident and it would have gone unmentioned had Stone not broke the rules giving Garcia the two minutes to articulate a response.
It is becoming abundantly clear; Bonnie Garcia is the best candidate for the California State Senate, District 28. It is also becoming abundantly clear Stone is willing to employ unethical tactics to discredit his opponent. This is the danger in any political campaign; accusations at the last moments without sufficient time for opponents to respond. This is often called the “October Surprise”. Expect this locally as well as nationally.
Bonnie Garcia has now won the two debates held so far. Debate Statistics:
Bonnie Garcia Won 2 Jeff Stone won -0
