America’s Swan Song

America’s Swan Song

The founders of our nation were flawed as all men are. But they left for those who follow a remarkable structure, having lasted 240 years, the likes of which we will never see again. In today’s American society we are being confronted by those who would quickly squander our heritage, demean our progress and change our Republic into socialism disguised as freedom. Our current leadership is anxious to dismantle our hard earned freedoms through the use of chicanery, false promises, egotistical showmanship and a melding together of man kinds worst traits. Bartering for political benefits has evolved into an art form. Republicans promote nationalistic pride. Pride in self as well as country, solvency, rising to the levels of our God given abilities are all instrumental for Republicans. A key factor is insuring our future.
Democrats promote a more complex ideology confusing the reforming of America with the deforming of principles which have led us to evolve into the greatest society. A society instilled with freedoms and constitutional mandates heretofore unequivocal and set in stone. These guiding laws are seen by many progressive socialists as a fence/gate of no real value in today’s society. Their premise and not seeing the value of historical written accords such as the Constitution is clear evidence in and of itself, the existing structure of laws must remain in place. Confirming we as a civilization are still too naive to be trusted with our own predictable, chaotic control.
The role of conservative Republicans is two fold, (1) resist all attempts by progressives to destroy founding documents through Progressives non-adherence, by-passing congress, contempt or violence. (2) Inform, encourage, educate, and ascertain American values are retained for future generations. These objectives cannot be achieved using the current trajectory malcontents are laying out to ascertain the amassing of their political power. Liberal progressives cherish and deem essential the dismantling of traditional values for their futuristic conquest of our national structure.
Today’s political agenda by progressives is a one party rule devoid of the notion Christianity was the inspirational force which drove the founding of our great nation. Christianity structured our beginnings, supported us morally over the centuries and today is under attack as non essential. Islam has become the novelty replacement. Political leaders of America today play footsie with Islam, condone their violence, anti woman, anti gay and anti America rhetoric to the extent we are being forced to surrender peace and serenity.
The United States is under attack, our designated elected leaders refuse to acknowledge the fact and our president, Obama, naively, truly believes he can transform our adversaries by refusing to pronounce their name and continues to give them shelter and financial resources. Sheltering refugees in the projected millions here in the United States from the Middle East and the transporting of over $1.5 BILLION in cash currency to our declared enemy Iran in any other country or time would be considered treasonous.
There is a digital web connection between all facets of the soldiers of Allah which is more dangerous and accessible than the requirement of any physical tie. Refusal to understand this irrefutable fact by both Obama and his designated replacement Hillary Clinton borders on lunacy or is in fact a clear indication the enemy has bridged our defenses, entered our gates and they are not only one of us, they are if fact our leaders!
In purely plebeian terms it can be said Obama and Hillary have “muffed” a few but the electorate has been so sorely convinced of their infallibility, we have set the stage for a prolonged continuation of irresponsibility, corruption, a continued disregard of our traditional values, patriotism, God and the concept of being a Christian nation.
The election in November will be a opportunity for America to wake up, correct course and set sights on the original intent of our national structure where citizens set the course; not blindly follow an inept leadership ruling by deception, lies and polls to predict every turn they must take to retain control of American society. If we as the electorate do not remove our blinders and continue on the course of destruction, we will have passed the point of no return and as a nation, we will never again be the guiding star of nations. Certainly we are flawed but redeemable, leagues away from being the “Basket of Deplorable’s”.
