Tribute To Al Vasquez

Tribute To Al Vasquez

For My Unforgettable Friend: Alfred (Al) Vazquez

In few occasions does one have the fortune to know and live with extraordinary beings, who are an example of an absolute commitment to their way of expressing and defending their convictions.
Life gives us, on exceptional occasions, characters such as Al Vazquez to serve as a ferment to the evolution of human beings in their way of thinking and acting. He was considered as a model of husband and father. What was remarkable in his personality, was his enviable honesty to always act as he preached.
As author of books, teacher, TV commentator and journalist, he contributed indefatigably and without distinction of beliefs or socio-economic levels, to the improvement of his community.
His always superior comments were based in the first place, to listen to the opinions and ideals of his fellow citizens. Second, to be very aware of the knowledge acquired in his long political experience as a presidential adviser and analyze them with logical deductions. And finally, trying to manifest openly the knowledge acquired through all their circumstances, waiting to be heard so that they report some benefit to the People.
It can be said that he was a brilliant star in the firmament of the history of his community, with a mind so far ahead of his time that he was often misunderstood and criticized.
But we have his impeccable writings, which will be published through La Prensa Hispana, as proof of his philosophy to future youth.


Para Mi Inolvidable Amigo: Alfred (Al) Vazquez

En pocas ocasiones tiene uno la fortuna de conocer y convivir con seres extraordinarios, que son ejemplo de una entrega absoluta a su forma de expresar y defender sus convicciones.
Personajes como Al Vázquez, nos los regala la Vida en ocasiones excepcionales para que sirvan de fermento a la evolución del ser humano en su forma de pensar y actuar. Considerado como modelo de esposo y padre, algo notable en su personalidad, fue que con una honestidad envidiable, simpre actuaba tal como lo predicaba.
Como autor de libros, Maestro, comentarista de TV y periodista, contribuyó infatigablemente y sin distinción de creencias o niveles socio económicos, a la superación de su comunidad.
Sus comentarios siempre superantes estuvieron basados en primer lugar, a escuchar las opiniones e ideales de sus conciudadanos. En segundo lugar, a estar muy pendiente de los conocimientos adquiridos en su larga experiencia política como asesor presidencial y analizarlos con deducciones lógicas. Y por último, intentando manifestar abiertamente los conocimientos adquiridos a través de todas sus circunstancias, esperando ser escuchado para que le reportaran algún beneficio al Pueblo.
Se puede afirmar que fue una brillante estrella en el firmamento de la historia de su comunidad, con una mente tan adelantada a su época que le hizo ser, a menudo, incomprendido y criticado.
Pero nos quedan sus impecables escritos, los que se irán publicando a través de La Prensa Hispana, como constancia de su filosofía a las juventudes venideras.
