Hi-Ho Silver

Hi-Ho Silver

Republicans are bloated with false expectation, most especially expectations of their own candidates. Add this to the Romney-Ryan curse of eating their own and 2016 may very well be the end of the Republican Party as we have known it. Contagion has set in and mainstream Republicans who should know better have openly declared they support Hillary. Fifty elected Republican representatives, Republican turn coats Romney, Ryan, John Kasich, Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio as well as 30% of registered Republicans have voiced their preference for Hillary. Some have given luke warm endorsements only meant to keep their party options open. This is not simple chicanery, this is outright deceit.
For these establishment Republicans, their preference for pronounced socialism and at minimum four more years of Obama is their immature pay back for having been ousted by a better prepared novice candidate who outsmarted them at every turn. These Republicans are so misinformed they believe until Socialism gets to your front door, America is safe to play both sides of the field. Nothing could be farther from the truth. With Hillary selecting departmentheads, Supreme Courts Justices and having the Department of Justice, the IRS, the FBI and Homeland Security reporting directly to her, omitting congress, Republicans who prefer Hillary are totally out of their league and actively participating in the destruction of their own party.
Defeat is the outcome of a problem, not the problem. America being defeated by a renowned liar, master manipulator and the leader of the Democrats screaming elite will have dire consequences for America’s future. It seems we as a nation have acquired a certain taste for political impotence both in the larger meaning of the word and it’s phycological sense. We have accepted political choices which limit common sense. The Democrat party is stumbling over absurdities about truth they cannot overcome but do so with the aid of mainstream media with no long term attachments, no principles, no threads of propriety with lies that simply disintegrate, deaf to the call for honesty.
Savvy politicians in today’s society have learned to play our emotions well. They masterfully create an image of fabricated contentment by giving the electorate a detachment from reality. The shangri-la they masterfully portray is an image we as voters do not fully comprehend, the reality they present is nothing more than the frame around the canvas. We are oblivious to the threat of tomorrow believing promises made today will translate into deeds. Deeds few socialist politicians intend to keep or even acknowledge until the next election. Republicans and Democrats have mastered the art of portraying words without flesh, only empty shells masking the intended goal of getting you, the electorate to do their will, well short of what you believe you will be getting. We conveniently bastardized our understanding of what is being said. Without invoking judgement, it was Roosevelt who said, “ not all Democrats are horse thieves but all horse thieves are Democrats”. We have reached a philosophical quandary where it is becoming progressively difficult to define which side of the political isle you are from. In today’s world, it will be the Republicans who will defeat the Republicans based on their own refusal to support the party banner bearer. Romney and Ryan are not the standard bearers. Support them at your own risk and be very wary of what waters they proclaim to navigate. Remember both are documented losers. When you hear Hillary spouting off Ryan and Romney talking points, you have a tendency to ask, “which side are they on”?
Republicans who refuse to support the party are resorting to a strange postulate, “Trump places the party in peril”. While this has been stated in conversation before, no one has ever pushed the logic so far as to support the Democrat opposition. We keep sliding further and further into the crevice of political deceit and have no one to blame other than our own insecurities and belief the masked rider on the white horse will come to our rescue. Get real!
