Heading Towards Decadence

Heading Towards Decadence

The world of politics today when viewed through the lens of political history is indicative of a regression. There is an equilibrium we have lost. The equilibrium of political simplicity. A simplicity we used to believe would manifest during each election;The certainty of only two major political parties. This is now an infantile presumption. Our penchant for invented political correctness, our madness of redefining regression of personal freedoms as progress has led us to the blocked gate of the nation we were founded to be.
We have re-defined and restructured our human frailties once inherent in racism and slavery. We rejected socialism, communism and now we are in a fast hurry to restructure our nation with the absence of God. This so called fundamental reform is no more than a socialist ploy to take over our country. By doing so in the name of well established Democrats, the lubricant becomes our past history, the likes of Kennedy and Truman who are historically seen as exemplary in the world of politics but have no bearing with todays reality.
Today we excel in throwing both our universe and mind out of orbit. As in a drunken stupor, we ignite whichever political connivance of the day suits us. We have political candidates as Hillary, who no longer speak truth, they speak in parables of a fictitious future world. A world with no semblance of what they have created and are actually creating. Politicians know this is exactly what we want to hear. Today we have leaders who astutely contribute and help build a world which cannot stand or support a freedom loving democracy. This fallacy is aided and abetted by sitting politicians and the media.
The rebuilding, restructuring, rethinking of who we were and who we want to be has led to the ongoing phenomena called Trump.The rise of Trump sentiments is not about Trump, it is about the feelings of frustration and disgust by the electorate being exposed by this Republican candidate. As the electorate, subconsciously we know where our nation is headed. For the past eight years we have accepted the pronounced direction towards socialistic dependence. But, today as if struck by the lightening bolt of reason, the awakening, the itch of rebellion descended upon a part of the nation. The question remains as to whether the portion of the awakened is sufficient to overcome the shear dominance of the rest.
Politicians on both sides of the isle, have come together for the convenience of saving their own personal turf and establishment rules of order. We, the electorate are treated as secondary, a dilemma rather than a priority. Pronounced anti Trump rhetoric everywhere you turn is orchestrated to include media, party Godfathers, wealthy donors, lobbyists, professional politicians and party loyalists who no longer see a nation, only their self interests. Once the turmoil settles, these very same establishment politicians will be leading our wagon train.
This gross inversion of the truth has become todays political gospel. As each generation became progressively more assimilated into the two party system, the two parties who portend to represent our differing interests are in fact only representing theirs!
The Trump political steam train is being fed by an anguished electorate. Frustrated but not yet a majority. Attempts from both sides of the aisle to derail the Trump train will only farther alienate a large segment of determined voters who will have a future unrestrained compunction to go third party if not allowed to voice their frustration in the form of an anti establishment candidate. Republican Party leaders are frustrated in not being able to control their candidate through the use of force and manipulative funding. Gangs of establishment Godfathers met behind closed doors to plot their anti Trump moves.
As citizens we need to block out the voices of disdain, the whispering, hypnotizing God is speaking voice of Harry Reid, the open eyed rhetoric of Nancy Pelosi; Even Obama does not have our best interest in mind, they live, think and support party, not nation.
This election, 2016 will be a Darwinian way of getting rid of the screaming elite who manifest the coalition of dependence. We will have two dogs after one bone with the entrenched political establishment very set in having their own win. Republican or Democrat politicians have turned out to be nothing more than clones of each other.
