Evil in Our Midst

Evil in Our Midst

These are difficult times. Our nation to remain united must exclude nothing and learn to weave our national destiny from strands of black and white. We must weave our multiple ambitions, our expectations of government, our desire to succeed, our freedoms, our religious beliefs and all we recognize to be America. We must weave a variety of American threads of multiple colors into one texture, into one rope. The threads we recognize separately make up who we are but individually they will be tautened to the breaking point. The United States must include “United States of mind” if we are to survive as a nation.
We are being splintered, we are being deceived into believing one particular political party, the Democrat Party represents the poor, the deprived, the minorities, immigrants, the helpless, the uneducated and those who need to be kept in the stupor of dependency. A dependency with caveats. The first caveat is “you must give total allegiance and power to control your life”. The opposition Republican party who advocates ascending to the summits of the mind is being chastised for not wishing to be part of what this attitude leads to, “the capitols of crime”. As a clear example, there is Chicago, the staunchest of Democrat strongholds which has experienced 3,750 murders since our current Democrat leadership took power. Chicago is their flagship, their banner reflecting their values and pathway for the rest of the nation. Chicago is the city where our nations leader derived his “community organizer” experience. Experience sprinkled with electorate manipulation, chicanery and voter naïveté leading to unequaled political power.
Our society is being confronted with two evils. One raised on our soil, “Black lives Matter” and “ISIS” a foreign invader. Confronting and addressing our own home grown creation can make us stronger but requires a unseen cooperation from BLM. Not confronting the evil arriving daily from foreign soil will destroy us as a nation. It will destroy our culture and our civilization. There needs to be a conscious concern and vigilance preventing these two anti American evils from conflating into one massive evil in our own backyard. Awareness of these looming threats will require us as Americans to give up being passive, to give up turning the other cheek, an ingrained Christian value. The evolution we progress to as a nation requires much more than diplomacy. It requires naming the threat which our current leadership refuses to do, understanding the threat, acknowledging the threat and like penicillin vigorously pursuing the evil virus you cannot see, but know is there. Our current leadership is so naive it declares victory between sneezes. Is it naïveté or an intentional ruse to obliterate our desperate reliance on law enforcement and the constitution? This question is becoming more insistent as we see our daily freedoms of movement being eroded.
Moving from tragedy to tragedy has evolved into family burials of heroes and airtime opportunity for this administration. Pretend grieving, lamenting and calling for the abolition of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution is becoming the politically correct response. Our leadership went one better in recent days by inviting Black lives Matter to the White House. A gathering of like minds. Those who are serious about killing cops see this reaching out from the highest level of government as an acknowledgement an “atta boy”, a mutual agreement. When was the last time this administration invited cops under attack to socialize with the president at the White House? Is this new version of the America we have created the version we want? Clearly, it is the America we now have!
Anti cop rhetoric displayed daily on America’s streets is a tragedy, ending in death or punishment. We must be aware of the fact tied to these unconscionable criminal acts against law enforcement is a greater threat; blindness of the value of our community heroes who are called daily to diffuse “our” tension, protect our safety and save our lives.
As we head towards the 2016 election, a non politician leader has appeared with a desire to take the helm. There is repugnance among the establishment leadership. A clear sign he is on the right track. Donald Trump has found an audience. There is an appeal in truth, an appeal for a call to remove our blinders, an appeal to “Make AmericaGreat Again”. Are we too far gone to listen?
