Everyday is a New Beginning

As we approach the end of 2013, let us give thanks we are in America and can still say we are a free nation. Despite the fact our constitution is under assault by our own leaders, in the end, Americans come together and those filled with arrogance and the belief we will surrender our liberties are due for a rude awakening.
Leaders come and leaders go but the American spirit is the driving force of our nation! Our spirit of freedom is the unmeasurable commodity that makes our nation unique. For those of us who lament the direction our nation is taking, it is only a matter of time before the masses wake up and demand a course correction. For the moment there are many who as the Sixto Rodriguez song say’s are ready to “sail away in a tear drop”. As Americans,we have a very clear understanding we the citizens are spinning the silk and it is up to us to turn it into something beautiful. Shortly the day will come when we stop defining ourselves as a population being driven towards socialism and simply or emphatically change direction . As a nation we will once again assert our constitutional privileges, our Bill of Rights and cast aside those who would chain us or attempt to bind us.
Many do not yet see the multitude of scandals with the IRS, NSA, the State Department, the Justice Department, and this administrations creation of a fourth branch of government ( Headed by Unaccountable to no one Federal Department Heads) as threatening to our civil liberties . The turning point will come when the chickens do come home to roost . Despite denials,the inevitable failure of Obama Care could very likely be the Pandora’s box which will unleash the fury.
Contrary to this administrations belief of redistributing wealth, wealth does not define our worth. There are millions in America who come from poverty but their souls are rich! We must all work for our personal freedom, it has more value than the almighty buck. Remember, “all the secrets of success will not work unless you do”. While here in America, a large percentage of the population has become inherently dependent, there are still those who clearly understand wanting and obtaining are worlds apart.
As American’s , we have the ability to rise above the mundane and no one can take that away from us, unless we allow them. While it is true for the moment we have a president who is smarter than himself, it is also true home is our place of acceptance. Learning to accept each other is a challenge we must overcome. And ,we all cherish the thought we will reach the point when we are old enough to appreciate our freedoms and are still young enough to enjoy them.
As we contemplate the end of the year, recall those we have lost in 2013 and give thanks for the daily gift of life from God, we pray for the less fortunate, those surviving on little but most of all for those who have been eliminated before their life outside their mothers womb began. Believe what you will and justify your actions as you must to absolve your pain. Catholics in particular relearn the teachings of your faith! As a Christian nation we still behold and celebrate the immaculate “conception”, not the immaculate birth. Those who claim the faith of Christianity should recall the message from the Angel Gabriel to Mary “ You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus” Gabriel went on to tell Mary “ the Holy Spirit will be in you”. “You will be with CHILD”. Anyone willing to understand can readily see conception was the beginning of the life of Jesus as is for all of us. Honor the gift of life and understand regardless of your present day position, each day we are blessed with the opportunity to change our thoughts, change our mind, change direction and change our course towards healing.
We thank our readership and look forward to another year of contemplation and sharing of thoughts. If only one child is sparred, the change of heart towards abortion will be a vindication.
