A Window into Local Politics
There is a requisite among Democrat politicians, the baton must be selectively passed on. New comers must walk the gauntlet, the same path as those seeking citizenship. Wait, we, the Democrat politicians decide when.
Raul Ruiz has sent me at least 200 requests for money. He already has over a MILLION stashed to run the campaign Nancy Pelosi strategizes for him. Ruiz is far from a self starter or “self thinker”. Since he started his campaign, this marvel of a representative for the Latino culture has never bothered to communicate or visit either of the only two Latino-bilingual newspapers in the Coachella Valley for 25 years or the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce-Coachella Valley. Never is a long time, neither has his amigo Assemblyman Manuel Perez since elected in 2008.
Ruiz has never taken a side in the crisis in Israel, he is among the majority of Democrats who think Hamas; the terrorist group is akin to Israel. Since July 8, 2014, three thousand, seven hundred and fourteen missiles have been launched into Israel by Hamas in Gaza. Try to imagine how we in California would be reacting to the same attacks coming from Mexico. Democrats want Israel to maintain their “cool”. Much like our president while the “terrorists,” burn down the house. Obama labels them “malcontents”, the JV Team. This plague on humanity believes killing Americans, Jews and Christians opens their door to heaven to sit alongside Ala who doles out 72 virgins to each assassin. We have video of the Muslim group ISIL stabbing Christian children in the throat with crucifix’s to make certain we get the message .Egypt as we speak has arrived at the fortieth peace accord with Israel and Hamas but peace requires two willing factions.
Despite two “Open Letters” to Congressman Ruiz, he has not mentioned Marine Sgt. Tahmooressi being held captive in a Mexican Jail. What’s with ignoring a request from Veterans to speak up on behalf of a decorated serviceman? Who is instructing him to remain silent? Whoever it is, that is where his puppet string is connected. Democrat Senate leader Harry Reid, Minority leader Nancy Pelosi and our leader in the White House, the President of the United States have not mentioned Sgt. Tahmooressi either. What does Ruiz decide for himself; nothing from this perspective?
Ruiz sent vitriolic letters to the Republican House Speaker demanding a vote on “Immigration Reform”. The House Speaker complied and brought the issue to the floor. Ruiz, befuddled by what to do did the only thing a true Democrat who wants the “issue of immigration” not the solution would do. HE “got outta town”, fled Washington, D.C., and did not vote. “Everybody knows how I feel” was his response. Really, how? Only votes count, not feelings. Why did you not vote on this key Latino issue?
Manuel Perez is running for Coachella City Council. He has pledged to bring jobs to the city. Let us remind ourselves Manuel Perez served SIX years in the Assembly leaving as Assembly Speaker and here is a tally of the number of jobs he has brought to Coachella. . . are you ready. . . ZERO. The men on the council are upset because a recent participant in Coachella politics Maggie Zepeda, a Democrat, wants to be the new Mayor. Politicos have made it clear to her they will not support and will block a woman from being in the leadership despite brilliant qualifications. They informed her “it is not your turn.” Apparently in Coachella politics it is turns which rule the day, not qualifications.
Eduardo Garcia’s has been anointed, his turn to be the next Assemblyman replacing Perez. The conclave powers are lined up to make it happen. With close to 12,000 more Democrat voters than Republicans, only informed voters could make a difference. Many voters in the Coachella Valley are choosing to remain silent on political issues. There is a saying in Spanish, “he who remains silent is not always conceding, sometimes there is a deep seated inclination to just not argue with idiots”.