Director of Government Afairs/Public Relations, Alva Johnson for the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians was featured on the television program “Abriendo Puertas en la Comunidad”. Johnson was interviewed by program host Ana Rascon Vasquez and Al Vasquez. The program will be aired on channel 111 Sunday at 1:00pm and will also be seen on “On Demand channel 110” on the Abriendo Puertas site. Select programs are available for “Abriendo Puertas” channel 110 twenty-four hours a day.
Discussion centered on voting “YES” on Proposition 94, 95, 96 and 97. This proposition would confirm the agreement signed by Governor Schwarzenegger and accepted by the U.S. Department of Interior. The agreement allows four California tribes to operate their casinos in exchange for payment to the State of California. The average sum of 1.2 Million dollars PER DAY would come into California coffers. The agreement will generate Billions of dollars to be used in the California budget.
The five main reasons why the Agua Caliente Compact Amendments are good for California discussed within the program are:
Good for California’s Economy: Doubles money to State General Fund.
1. It immediately doubles the amount of money the Tribe was previously paying to the State to $23.4 million, up to $1.8 billion over the life of the compact. These additional revenues will aid in making sure Californa’s healthcare, educaton, transportation and other priorities are met.
Good for the Local Economy: New Compact gives Jobs and Economy a Huge Boost.
2. It will spur the local economy by providing new, year-round jobs with benefits that are above industry standards for the hospitality industry. The Tribe will also continue its spirit of giving back to the community. Since 1995, Tribal charitable contributions and sponsorships have topped $18 million.
Increase Cooperation with Local Governments
3. The amended compact formalizes the Tribe’s longstanding values and history of working with its community through local government by allowing for arbitration to resolve disputes. The Tribe believes strongly in supporting local governments impacted by gaming. In 2005 for example, the Tribe provided $2.2 million for local government and community grants.
Increases Environmental protections
4. The Tribe has a clear record of protecting the environment and its patrons on the reservation and, under the amended Compact, has agreed to meet or exceed federal and state standards for any new development
.Keeps Workers free speech protections
and right to organize intact
5. Under the revised compact signed by the Governor in 2006, the Tribe continues to support the rights of workers to organize. The Tribal Labor Relations Ordinance guarantees secret balloting for workers who may choose to unionize with a simple majority vote. There is NOTHING in the new compact amendments that interferes with workers’ rights to organize.
Vote “YES” on Propositions 94-95-96 and 97!.