la prensa hispana newspaper

Unapologetic Liars Control Washington

Political power in the hands of a good man does not cease to be political power, it becomes political power used in a manner of which we approve. This is the dilemma we find ourselves in with Trump. While Trump does not consider himself a politician, he has become America’s symbol for success. Trump epitomizes the business maneuver tactics exercised by those who run successful businesses. You may not agree with his tactics but it only confirms he knows the ins and outs of governmental regulations. Regulations meant to enrich government, not you!
The Hillary camp keeps sliding further into the crevice of deceit while in denial there is a crevice at all. Fortunately for Hillary, there are at least 47% of the electorate who have no discernible concept of right or wrong, their only criteria rattling around in their politicized brain is Democrat vs Republican. We have reached the political astuteness level where the uninformed, totally brainwashed, fully committed voters consider a 3rd graders finger paintings, stuck on the refrigerator door the equivalent of a Picasso.
The key question for Tuesday’s election is which of the candidates can restore American greatness. Which candidate can revive our zest for freedom, our zest for law and order, our zest for Americans to share, live together and stop exploitation of the citizenry through make believe free give aways. Which candidate can tell the nation the truth, protect our servicemen in uniform, truly conduct a war against terrorism without giving political correctness the priority in running our lives. Those who pay attention instinctively know which is the party who rules based on the laws of Christian values and will not tolerate the stomping of infants heads by barefoot ISIS neanderthals nor will they tolerate the forced abortion of a full term baby simply based on the Democrat perceived fact a baby has no rights until after a few hours of breathing. We all inherently know which is the Conservative party, that is why sentiments are rising for Trump.
A perfect conservative, Trump is not, he is however the closest candidate we have who is totally independent, honest in speaking his thoughts, sometimes to his detriment he ruffles feathers. But, aligning Trump with the opposition, Hillary, a candidate who finds it impossible to utter the truth would be anathema in protecting the integrity of freedom and American values.
These everyday American topics invite an extraordinary amount of fluff, consternation, hand waving and life long talking points. But the truth is this election we only have one real choice, one question to be resolved. Do we continue our great experiment of freedom and exceptionalism or do we succumb to the current adventure towards a split black and white society within our midst, governmental permission to destroy our own society in the interest of Muslim vs Christianity internationalism? Do we place a cap on Christianity, open the door to anti American Islamic values, support the lawlessness brought in by open borders? This election should be one of the easiest to assess and easiest to decide. But, it is not, due to two striking personalities, one of political entitlement (Hillary) and one of hard work and sweat most Americans are no longer familiar with.
The Clintonian model of government spells disaster both for our 240 year Republic and society at large. Establishing a cozy pay to play relationship with foreign dictators using the Clinton Foundation to siphon multi-millions of dollars gives incredible credibility to despots who slaughter hundreds of thousands of people simply because they are of the wrong sorts. Perhaps they are gay, Christians or considered useless burdens on their back ward societies. We cannot allow the Clintons to establish double standards including sexual adventures for their own.
Whether we like it or not, conservatives are now living in a highly politicized country, and if they wish to prevail they need to understand that the fight has evolved and come to them and in order to save the nation and preserve American values, patriotic Americans need to do something about it.
We have a candidate who has reached the pinnacle of business success, who can say it like it is. It is incumbent on us the nation, to join hands, understand the difference between corrupt establishment politics in both parties and the last turn before we lose our nation to unapologetic liars! Vote Trump!

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