The Ophelia Project

Ophelia Art Awareness Program – “Remember the Past, It’s the Key to Your Future”

The Ophelia Project, a program of Healthy Family Foundation, is a unique, five year mentoring program for adolescent and teen girls. Professional women volunteer to provide the Ophelia curriculum in middle schools and high schools. Serving as a catalyst for positive change, the overall objective of the Ophelia Project is to build self-esteem, encourage young girls to stay in school, pursue higher education and career opportunities. Annually, some 250 girls in 5 Indio schools participate in The Ophelia Project.
The Ophelia Project curriculum includes an Art Awareness component designed to encourage creativity, team participation and improve academic scores. The art classes are under the direction of Palm Springs Artist Gideon who originated the Art Awareness Program for Ophelia.
The art program of 2010 titled “Me in 2020” reflected on the girls FUTURE where they saw themselves in ten years. The art program of 2011, “Imagine the World”, focused on the PRESENT, global resources and how the girls could actively help to improve the environment.
The 2012 art program, “Remember the Past, It’s the Key to Your Future” emphasizes the PAST, the importance of family lineage, roots and ancestry, and how it is the key to the future. The girls learn about themselves while preserving their family history through assembling their family’s current and past photography into a presentation format, documenting the family dynamics. The finished art work will feature mounted photographic collections that demonstrate the progression of family history evolving to the present and being the key to the future.
The individual art pieces will then be duplicated and incorporated into a large composition (created and designed by Gideon) will be publically unveiled on April 6th at the Indian Wells Art Festival. The final art composition will also be on display at the Annual Ophelia Luncheon on May 17th at the Miramonte Resort and Spa in Indian Wells. Tickets are available: $65 per person or $600 for a table of 10.
For luncheon tickets or further information about The Ophelia Project please call, Healthy Family Foundation / Susan Francis at 760-776-1600 ext 122.
