<!--:es-->Standing room only 
for AgroBaja Presentation<!--:-->

Standing room only for AgroBaja Presentation

La Prensa Hispana

Over a dozen dignitaries representing Baja California and Mexico came together at the Sizzler Restaurant in Indio to give a presentation of the many attractions offered throughout Baja California. For Coachella Valley and Imperial Valley residents, the El Centro/Calexico cities across from Mexicali come to mind. Seen at the event was Claudia Suarez, representative from Congresswoman Mary Bono Macks office, Carolina Zaragoza Flores, the Mexican Consulate with offices in San Bernardino, Margit Chiriaco, representative from the George Patton Museum in Chiriaco Summit, numerous radio and television representatives and journalists and camera crew from Univision Television, Marco Palma from Pico de Gallo television program, Al Vasquez founder of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce-Coachella Valley, Alex Silver on the board of CVMACC, Corky Emett, 2012 candidate for State Assembly to represent Coachella and Imperial Valley, Juan Vasquez from JV Productions, and hundreds of others too numerous to mention. Luis Silva, General Manager for the Indio Sizzer is again to be commended for his great hospitality and assistance in bringing this group together.
Thousands of East Valley residents still maintain homes or relatives in Baja California. This creates a cross border economy which allows not only the Coachella Valley to prosper but the Mexicali economy as well. American border cities depend on this exchange and border closures often turn El Centro or Calexico into ghost towns with empty markets and plenty of parking spaces.
Representatives from Baja California have made a presentation once a year to enlighten our Coachella Valley residents of the many opportunities for recreational activities, wine tasting, exploration, bull ring events, world renowned festivals and the tremendous crop flow that currently exists in both countries.
AgroBaja bills itself as a business without borders and represents agriculture, fruits, vegetables, seafood, game, wines, coffee, agave, tequila and cattle industries from across 28 Mexican States. The next AgroBaja exposition is scheduled to begin March 8th in Mexicali. It is the only and largest agricultural products exposition in Mexico
In the standing room only crowd, representatives from all throughout the Coachella Valley took the time to meet and greet, explore opportunities for partnerships, build new business relationships and obtain valuable information. A partnership is already in the works to have AgroBaja participate at the Indio Date Festival. The Date Festival is a smaller scale version of the immensely popular “Fiestas del Sol” which brings together 18 days of booths, arcades, rides and festivities; it presents hundreds of popular stars on stage daily for continuous music and entertainment.

