Riverside County Chapter of California Republican National Hispanic Assembly Supports Trump
Across the state and throughout the nation, the media focuses on groups who demonstrate against the Republican presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Members of the San Diego County and Riverside County Chapters of the California Republican National Hispanic Assembly, CARNHA, believes Donald Trump is by far the better candidate to lead our nation in the next 4 to 8 years.
Our communities, Latino & African American, have oppressively suffered for the last 7 years nationally and 30 years in California. The systematic destruction of local jobs and business has created a cycle of dependence that has become harder and harder to break. We keep sending good jobs out of our state and our country. Jobs that stabilize families, which keep fathers and mothers closer to home, that create opportunities for our youth who don’t go to college.
The unemployment numbers we hear state wide don’t begin to tell the true story. When you only count people on unemployment who “are seeking jobs” and not the thousands, no, hundreds of thousands that no longer qualify under this title, you are trying to fool everyone. When unions are struggling to stay relevant by abusing membership dues for political influence and contracts, there is something seriously wrong.
We as a Nation and as Californians can no longer sit by and watch company after company leave the state and country. We need to focus on building up, not legislating down. California cannot sustain a government employee work force to carry the state. We must send a clear message to Sacramento and to Washington D.C. Whether you are Republican, Democrat, Brown, Black, White, Asian or Indian we have to unify and say enough is enough.
We have already witnessed what International Trade Agreements do to our country. We are on a path to repeat history with the TTP Agreement. When did it become ok to devalue our assets, workforce and products? When did the American Quality and Standard become something we no longer appreciate? Why must we continue to build wealth for a chosen few in foreign countries? Are we Americans not important enough to employ?
Our communities and country are crying out for real change. We didn’t ask for a change that would divide us. We aren’t seeking to revert back to times of unrest and hatred. We want to come together as Americans and put America First.
Our Veterans who have sacrificed their bodies and minds deserve this. Our seniors who set the foundation for our country to flourish deserve it. Our children’s children deserve an opportunity to be proud of a country controlled by American interests, not a foreign entity. We Americans, We PROUD LATINOS with work ethics unmatched by others, must stop and act. We must organize to give ourselves and our children a chance at the American Dream.
Our education system has not improved for over 40 years under the policies of the Democrats. Latinos want a choice on the schools they send their children to. Charter schools should be available in all communities. Latinos remain underrepresented and underserved across virtually all post-secondary education sectors, with many barriers to Latino higher education attainment. Workforce statistics show higher rates of unemployment, fewer Latinos in the highest-paying occupations, and overrepresentation in lower paying service occupations. Even though Latinos earn a large number of health degrees at varying levels, they still fill less skilled and lower paying jobs in the field. The educational success of the Latino population is not just the Latino population’s problem. It is our problem. As the U.S. Latino population continues to grow, the educational and economic health of the Latino community will have a greater and greater impact on the state of our nation as a whole.
The message has been sent before that Hispanics don’t want more programs to make them comfortable in their poverty. What Hispanics really want is more opportunity: the freedom to work, leave poverty behind, and rise into the ranks of the middle class and beyond. San Diego and Riverside Counties of CARNHA believe the Democrats have proven they don’t have the answer. We believe Trump is a very viable alternative.