la prensa hispana newspaper

Psychosis Becoming Evident in Senate Campaign Jeff Stone conducting a negative anti-woman harassment/smuckcampaign

Jeff Stones increasingly aggressive anti-woman campaign has reached a crescendo where the claim of being anti-woman has been validated. Equating political fund raising by a woman as prostitution is a slander that should not be tolerated by any sane voter. His lack of integrity and accountability is shameful. There seems to be a glee associated with the Jeff Stone political ads which convey the impression this is a troubled man, unfit to represent anybody in any representative office. Fundraising is a key ingredient in any campaign and Stone is an active participant. By virtue of the fact 1) he assumes the identity of a man;2) the prostitution label does not apply to him. By virtue of his consistent vulgarity, both points are questionable.
From the beginning of this Senate campaign it became obvious Glenn Miller and Jeff Stone had joined forces to obliterate their female opposition. The Miller-Stone association is proving to be disastrous for the Republican duo. Stone is swinging an ax in every direction certain to sooner or later affect his political buddy Miller.
Our candidate review of Jeff Stone quickly compiled copious amounts of negative data starting in 1998. The Press Enterprise began following a story about six city workers and two council members trip to Japan to “get tips on traffic congestion and how to run libraries, police and senior center programs”. On 5/21/98, the Press Enterprise attempted to obtain expense records for Stone to make expenditures public but was denied.
In 1999, The California Attorney General filed “twenty” charges against Jeff Stone on behalf of the California Board of Pharmacy. In 1999, Stone reached a settlement pleading guilty to five of the twenty charges he was required to pay $10,000 and had his pharmacy license placed on probation for three years. Stone was caught lying to a Riverside DEA agent. Shortly after completing his three year probation, Stone was fined for six more violations by the California Board of Pharmacy.
In June, 2009, Stone made a motion to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors to donate $49,322, taxpayer funds to five organizations. One of the organizations was a tenant of Supervisor Stone. Stone was called on what appears to be a violation of the state’s conflict of interest law since this organization did pay rents to Stone and his sister co-owners of the building.
In December 2010, a 14 count indictment was brought against a major Stone contributor who had given more than $66,400 in what was considered illegal contributions to Stone’s 2010 Senate campaign and one other legislative candidate. In 2011, Stone agreed to pay a $16,000 fine to the FPPC after he failed to properly report $84,052 in contributions to his 2010 campaign for State Senate.
In 2013, the record is replete with “fast tracking” Sponsored by Jeff Stone, a process which by-passes public hearings before the Planning Commission and takes it directly to the Planning Department for approval by the Board of Supervisors. One of the properties fast tracked has donated to the Stone campaigns and as recently as April 22, 2014 contributed to Taxpayers Opposing Bonnie Garcia, targeted by the Stone-Miller duo in a blatantly anti-woman campaign.
A Grand Jury report issued this month, May 2014, pointed out the obvious; opportunities for corruption, self dealing, conflicts of interest, and self promotion as rip offs to taxpayers. Jeff Stone as a member of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors was included in the call out on the use of “slush funds”.
It appears Senate candidate Stone suffers from a distortion of reality he embellishes with a veneer of campaign tactics and Democratic accountability to make it seem palatable. He has strayed from leadership into the shackles of desperation and has done us a favor by showing us exactly who he is. Woman candidate harassment needs to be called by what it is!

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