Political Moon-Shuffle

Political Moon-Shuffle

The consequences of a lapse in clarity during this election year are manifold. We have reached the point at which the majority of mainstream media believes as a matter of faith, there is one politician, Hillary, deserving the right to rule us all. While within the opposition party, there is more interest among Republican Godfathers of who they do not want. Making no bones about the fact they would rather lose to the Democrats than follow an unconventional, independent minded, self funded established successful registered Republican billionaire. Annoyingly, this conservative party conceit has trickled its way into our consciousness. Conservatives are now split into status quo and make America Great Again factions.
In today’s selection process, establishment Republicans are counting on the proven 2013 election cover. When conservatives protested our country’s direction, the key refrain was “But, Obama won the election”. We now have Republican establishment Godfathers chanting, “But the rules are the rules”, while jiggering with the rules at every step to eliminate Trump as the nominee.
This country may have changed significantly and demographically since its founding but the spirit and purpose for which it was founded should have not. The federal government was designed to operate at the sufferance of a charter of limited powers to be shared equally by the three branches of government. That simplistic concept was thrown out the window by Obama, a fast talking, suave politician who convinced the majority he knows better. While the nation slept, a lackadaisical, entrenched elected body of representatives have banded together and have made “their” survival the prime focus of any decision. That is why a Trump is needed.
The electorate is waking up and shouting “off with their heads”. The nation is squirming, stretching, yawning and attempting to wake up from the self induced political slumber. Peering out of one eye they see an avowed socialist Sanders, and an angry, shouting, white woman Hillary, giving stump speeches designed to leave just a shadow of a doubt of how much socialism runs through her veins. Here is a clue, her degree of socialism is based on her audience and geographical location. Analysts have deciphered her speeches and found they are all geared to her specific audience, not her philosophical beliefs. Who is the real Hillary? Aside from dishonest, self engrossed and a taxpayer funded multi-millionaire, your guess is as good as mine. The most diabolical comment Hillary has made was last week. On national television she referred to a fetus as an unborn “human being”. This was an unintentional slip but very reflective of the fact she nonchalantly accepts the ending of a pre-born human life. Hillary’s is a conniving political survivalist.
This critique as bizarre as it may sound may produce palpable irritation in some but it is not the product of a right wing feverish dream contrived in a vacuum. It is the result of four decades of following candidates, resisting being sucked into their agendas and discovering dishonesty has become an immutable tradition once owned by Democrat politicians, contagion has set in and deceit is found across the board.
As a society we have within the past eight years allowed the Office of the Presidency to be the only political office that matters, the only office which rules, the only office that sets the rules. As a nation we have abdicated our belief, we elect representatives to impose “our” will. We have become complacent with electing representatives who find comfort in plush chairs and superior positions in life who only want to stretch the gravy train towards retirement. The majority of the nation has no clue they receive lifelong retirement pensions after two terms. For Congress, that means four years. Why worry? Lifelong benefits do not depend on satisfying the electorate constituency.
As a nation we will come to terms this November and decide voting is more than fluff and hand waving, it is about “Making America great again”. Many believe we have headed off road, into the woods and are lost in the midst of terrorism, malfeasance and bewildered leadership. Truth cannot be subordinated to good intentions. Conservatives have a key strength in the ability to look at any issue with a dispassionate eye and appraisal for what it is. As the conservative wing of the electorate we need to access, appraise and impose this on ourselves. Let us make America great again.
