Political Circle Talk

Political Circle Talk

Moral, intellectual and political posturing are not outside ourselves. Politicians create environments meant to aggrandize them. In realty, it exposes them before the nation for the frauds and intellectually deficient politicians they are.
Donald Trump is chastised for suggesting the Soviet Union hack into the DNC email files to find the extent of the anti Bernie shenanigans. Naive politicians jump on the opportunity to chastise Trump as if the Soviet Union, Iran, international terrorists or irrational malcontents need a nudge to harm us. The truth; enemies had this idea long before it was suggested by Trump! The odds are, they already have the DNC and Clinton files.
In the meantime, our super agency, the FBI remains befuddled and cannot find anything Hillary touches. How does that happen? Trump is under fire again for what liberal/Socialist Democrats suggest was a clear instructive to the National Rifle Association, to resort to violence to preserve the 2nd Amendment. This was never suggested. While Trump was talking about NRA membership votes, the Democrats who have in fact openly taken an anti gun position, a pro violent Black Brotherhood stance, a pro public demonstrations for Black Lives Matter, pro leniency for Muslim terrorists, an anti-law enforcement stance now have the audacity to cite Republicans for inciting violence. As Americans, do we pay attention to what is happening across the nation? Or, are we so far gone we just parrot the corrupt political establishment diatribe in partnership with the mesmerized Democrat dominated mainstream media?
There is a orchestrated agenda against Trump and even mainstream politicians who have derived funds from the Republican National Committee are banding together with the Democrats against the very party who funds them. Certainly we all have the freedom to go and support who we please but don’t do it with Republicans donated money.
These disloyal, RINOS need to to be drummed out of the Republican ranks. These are the same bunch who often vote in line with Democrats, conspire with Democrats and pretend they follow the Republican Party agenda. It is obvious presidential contenders remain frustrated due to their lack of ability to capture the mainstream Republicans imagination. Without mentioning Romney, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, the Bushes, and their establishment GodFathers, they are leading the anti Trump, Republican campaign. They do not support the Republican Party. It would do well to remember who these turncoats are. In listening to the recent 50 establishment representatives who signed the anti Trump oath, I am taken by their public comments stating, “just because we do not support Trump does not mean we support Hillary”. Naïveté at its best! You have one viable candidate or the other. Staying home is the same game as the 2 Million Republicans who stayed home and did not vote for Romney. With Romney being a leader of the Trump opposition, in retrospect we can see he would have been a farce and just an illusion of a Republican in the White House. He and Ryan, Romney’s running mate are still upset. They should be upset with themselves, Romney ran a lousy campaign and Trump had nothing to do with their incompetence . An incompetence which apparently has not gone away. Today they dedicate their time turning over Republican lunch wagons. Ryan who unequivocally refuses to support Republican candidates will win in his anti Trump state and will proudly raise his middle finger in triumph. That middle finger folks is for us who think Ryan, a pseudo Republican as the House leader is a victory. It would be if he truly supported Republican ideals. He does not, he supports Romney ideals. What were they? Nobody knew when Romney was running and nobody knows now!
Trumps honesty handicap is exacerbated by media. Due to societal brain washing, voters are finding difficulty in translating what Trump feels into what he wants others to feel. Trump expresses himself in reference to an inner context the establishment electorate cannot easily understand. To communicate with the masses Trump must half forget himself. This involves sacrifice. His quest to expose the immensity of political corruption, leads him to say what he must rather than what small minds understand. Like any good novel, it begins with complexity and evolves into unity. “ Has the nation been fractured beyond repair”? Socialist Democrats continue to search for the means, motive and opportunity to split America apart.
