la prensa hispana newspaper

Peeling the Political Onion

The Republican Party, Paul Ryan, the Bushes, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham and a cabal of other doubting Thomas’s are in denial of an unfolding trend . The Republican Party has been unable to win on a national level due in part to obstinate conservatives persistent insistence on ideological purity. Surreptitiously they conspire with Democrat politicians at every turn. Every Republican has a built in tolerance and acceptance of what is considered ideological purity. For mainstream Republicans, beating Hillary is the purest of all priorities. As a power couple, Bill and Hillary are used to the mud wrestling and make no bones about heading into a scorched earth political campaign to vanquish Trump. They will leave no leaf unturned nor will they follow any conventional rules of propriety. What do our Republican establishment politicians do? They voluntarily gather talking points ammo for Hillary, going to the extent of declaring they will not support Trump, being the Republican nominee. Paul Ryan, the declared King-pin and Romney’s yes man has won a total of ONE state in any election, Trump, the political novice has already won 26 out of 38 states. But, Ryan is behaving like the bug eyed “king-maker”. The anti Trump cabal is engaged in a strange paradox. They have decided to be undecided, they have resolved to be irresolute, they are adamant about drifting, dawdling, while the Democrats continue to gather momentum. Establishment Republican anti-Trumpers tout a new found fluidity while displaying impotence against establishment Democrats and a total lack of party cohesiveness.
While foreign policy is a hot mess, directionless, weak and irrational, the Republican establishment is attempting to invalidate the voice who has been loudly expressing the truth. The truth about our inane and dangerous capitulation to un-named anti American forces. We are witnessing foreign terrorism being linked to American political uncertainties. Does securing our borders scare you? Then, what is the point of having borders?
Latinos in a tizzy over Trumps stand on deportation are totally ignorant of the real facts under the Obama administration. While Obama and Hillary court the Latino vote, Tomas D. Homan, Director of Deportations, was honored last week and given a salary bonus of 35% for “Excellence in Criminal Deportations”. Statistically, 12% of deportees were actually criminals, 82% were for “TRAFFIC” violations. For January alone, it is recorded 312 were classified as enrolled students in route to class. None received legal representation. The Obama administration has contracted private companies who receive a bounty from the government for the deportations, leaving the Obama administration intentionally out of the publics eye. Private companies provide the incarceration facilities as a booming business. There is a backlog of unaddressed documented complaints sent to the Department of Justice, in the same holding pattern as Hillary’s email investigation. In other words, Latino’s,don’t hold your breath. For this year alone, 27,814 detained children are being held in limited capacity facilities in the United States. While we may cringe, Mexico is holding over 30,000 in deplorable conditions considered worse than prison. According to Holly Cooper, a Director with the Immigration Clinic, UC Davis, another disturbing statistic is the fact despite struggles to stay in the United States, only 4 out of 10 Mexican immigrants ever choose to become U.S. citizens.
While Trumps rhetoric on immigrants seems callous to the majority of Latinos, the truth is right under Latino eyes, they are being deceived, taken as fools and laughed at by the current administration. At least once a month, I see the misery of the deported hanging around the Mexico/American border in Mexico asking for meager assistance. Upon calling upon the Mexican government for clarification on why thousands of women and children are living in such deplorable conditions in card board boxes, yards from the fence, the government responded by forcing them to move several miles away from sight in even more precarious surroundings unseen by authorities or American tourists.
We are all living in a unhealthy political system too submerged in its own relentless pursuit of power to validate any of us individually. We get courted, we vote them into power then suffer the consequences of who they really are. The current circumstance where we visually see the establishment taking on Trump reflects the fact we the people are of secondary importance. We can peel the political onion but, only find more onion.

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