New Day Rising

New Day Rising

Climbing out of my “basket of Deplorable’s “ I am coming to terms with who I am. I glance around and take in the new car smell of fresh governance, I see 60 million others enjoying a new chance to “make America Great Again”. Despite the fact 3 million of the Hillary votes were from non-citizens, bogus groups are still frantically trying to usurp the system with re-counts.
These groups have major power hitters as supporters including Hillary Clinton. There is ample evidence of voter tampering by democrats including a home in a semi-rural setting which received 30 vote by mail ballots, all registered democrats. I personally contacted the county electoral system and was unofficially told “so what”? Their contention is you can use any address you want. Major cities reported not a single Trump vote.
America needs a break from the hysterical rampant agenda of socialist leaders who have learned how to effectively push aside the American dream. The demands for a recount from a candidate who only received 1% of the vote is in progress; the only possible candidate who can gain from such chicanery is Hillary Clinton. Hillary is attempting to invalidate the will of the people with the usurpation of the electoral college.The system “IS” rigged by progressives and there is total surprise by the left unable to grasp how and where the canned election got away from them.
At this point we can already see the world changing. Fidel Castro the Latino leader in the realm of Socialism is dead, but his Cuban socialistic agenda is not. Obama who is eager to widely open the doors with Cuba is intent on accepting the still established socialistic society and meld it permanently into our Western Hemisphere . We already have a precedent with Socialists, the trail blazed by Bernie Sanders is a prime example. Obama is conjoining Castros Cuba without any philosophical changes coming from the Cuban side. His footsie playing with a murderous regime defies logic and ingrains into the American psyche the whim of an elected president playing politics subverting what America stands for; all for the purpose of making a grandiose exit and proclaiming he was the president of peace. Turning a blind eye towards an established socialist mother plant 90 miles from our coast is the greatest tragedy, defying what America stands for while also tainting South America.
There is something terrifying about accepting left-wing intellectuals putting themselves to work for a corrupt culture that seems irrelevant to the make up of America. A culture molded into a socialist cell, a culture still dominated by the extensive Castro family defying all standards of a free society. Obama is rewriting a past that distorts the future, the leader of the free world openly embraces Castros regime. Socialistic American liberals embrace empty socialism traditions with no future, tossing American sentiments into the sea. Conservative’s, as does President-elect Trump, rationally demand relevant freedom enhancing changes before establishing a cozy relationship with a dictatorship. Obama is totally oblivious of the Castro brothers plan to enhance Socialistic slavery over Capitalistic liberty. Either he does not see the obvious real danger or he is complicit and places no value on the differences. The progressive party has been for the last eight years using systemic abuse to maintain their liberal status quo within the nation. Using questionable Executive Orders, chicanery and hidden agendas to bypass American policies are not only this administrating trademark, it is their legacy. Most Americans do not understand, “ honor cannot be taken from you, it must be relinquished”. It is this lack of comprehension which has allowed our nation to sink to the levels of dependence and desperation not seen since the advent of WWII when as a nation we were totally unprepared for what was to come. In the past eight years, the nation has become immersed in our familiarity bubble of lackadaisical acceptance of national weakness and have come to believe it is the only possible real world. It is not! It is only what we have come to understand fed to us by incompetent progressive leaders who find comfort with being mediocre.
Look out for resistance and psychological warfare from inside establishment conservative ranks. Plants such as Paul Ryan and Romney are tied at the hip. Although not obvious, the connection is there!
