Fiestas del Sol Princess Meets Actor Director Juan Carlos Frey On Abriendo Puertas Television Set
Fiestas Del Sol dignitaries, Ilissa Rodiles reigning Princess and Lic. Milton Rubio Fiestas del Sol Board President of Fiestas Del Sol. came to the Coachella Valley to appear on the television show “Abriendo Puertas en la Comunidad” hosted by Al and Ana Vasquez. The program will be aired on Time Warner Cable Channel 10 from Friday September 16th through September 22 and a full schedule of events will appear in La Prensa Hispana next week. The Fiestas del Sol opening night is September 23 and will continue until October 16th.
There will be 21 days of an unbelievable line-up of entertainment, bullfights, motor-cross racing, music, dance, games, exhibits and more. The cost for admission is $40 pesos which translates into $3.80 U.S. Currency.
Parking with security will be styled after the Disney concept with trolley cars picking up and delivering to the fiesta activities area. Over 400,000 persons attended last year and this year it is expected to be even higher. Look for the schedule in La Prensa Hispana.