Defining Us

Defining Us

The advent of Donald Trump is allowing for a discourse of the conflicted zone of American thought. Despite of appearance, America has not totally changed. What is changing is the articulation of what concerned Americans have always believed; illegal entry into the United States is “illegal”. If not illegal, why would the undocumented choose to hide in our midst? Why would it become a political football between the law enforcement advocacy of Republican Party and the open borders Democrat Party? Today, we must come to terms of where Party establishment politicians are determined to take us. There is an entrenched, powerful political party determined to shackle us with open borders and accept multimillion potential voters as pay off for ripe and vulnerable socialistic thought voters. A decade ago Socialist/Democrats would be as acceptable as rabies. Rabid socialistic thought was foreign, taking root in other parts of our hemisphere, today, importation of socialists along with anti-American Muslim activists is accepted by 50% of our population. Anti American traditional values have arrived into mainstream America. Primarily rooted by a political party taken over by an agenda, foreign to what historically we have identified with as the staunchly Democrat party of Harry Truman who led us to victory in WWII. Today, thanks to low information voters, the anti “undocumented immigrants” discourse is being challenged in favor of unlawful agreements. This increases undocumented immigrant society with no stakes in our past and a constant dilution of American values. Socialists have “found an audience”. That audience is youth, the uninformed, party loyal Democrats, the ignorant of our written laws and those failing to recognize the hidden enemy within the ranks of those filtering in. The “let them all in” philosophy is being sold as the next great coming of America. It is extremely difficult to sketch a portrait of who we really are as a nation while drones diluting our American thought come in from all sides dulling our senses, and quelling our doubts with the promised “better world” of happy together. Reason would normally convince anyone with a modicum of life experience, worldly togetherness is illusionary.
Socialism as presented today by Democrats is difficult to define. It has become a spiritual adventure tricky to categorize as sociological entrapment. It is inspired not by logic but rather by veneration, a rebirth of recycled myth of having without the sweat and tears. Today we have socialist politicians who boast and promote the intriguing feelings of linking multiple disenchanted groups, one with the other. With pseudo appeasement and false promises, unvetted anti-American Muslims, the poor, blacks, Latinos, youth, misguided men and women, anti religion, anti law advocates and the perennial dredges on society are being convinced American values have lost their worth and must be thrown out the window.
You can identify Socialist/Democrats by the life manual they refer to, filled with apologetics. Their tracing of our beginnings as a nation always finds faults rather than the massive accomplishments. Accomplishments endowed with hope, honor, self fulfillment with love of God and country. The progress we have achieved for humanity and the leadership on the national stage are reduced by Socialist/Democrats to exploring the ditches, rather than the super self highways the nation has carved out for itself.
Socialist/Democrats do not see anything we stand for as necessary or sacred. Law and order, love of country, self defense, the constitution we were founded on, religious tenets imbedded in who we are, are described as rigid orthodoxy. Socialism prescribes a minimum in the belief of self and subscribes to a maximum guidance by government intellects. Political, asinine intellects who provide the clarity, truth, honesty and foresight of a goose egg. We as a nation elect these establishment politicians who lead us into the wilderness.
America is ready for a devoted effort to find at the very minimum a middle way. We are searching feverishly for the intersection of faith and reason. While every era has a peculiar mentality reflecting their historical period, we are becoming aware of the changing moral climate. Democrat politicians are keyed into a liberalism, everything goes concept and are guiding this nation onto a dead end road; One which will deaden our will and increase dependence on government.
Government interference will quickly vanquish any rewards brought about by self sufficiency, the freedoms of self and humanity we envision as a nation.
