la prensa hispana newspaper

Can You Handle the Truth?

Al Vasquez

Opinion Journalist

My modest office in Indio at La Prensa Hispana has photos and personal letters of those who have reached out to us and the Latino community dating back 45 years. President Richard Nixon, President Ford, both Presidents Bush, past Secretary of Commerce, Treasury and many political leaders such as Senator John McCain and New York Mayor Giuliani. Out of place but relevant, hangs a photo with a blessing from the current Pope. California leaders going back many years including past and present Governors and Lt. Governors, Jim Battin, Bonnie Garcia and yes, dating back 12 years, Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack.
After hearing the debate between Congresswoman Mack and Mayor Pougnet, I was surprised to hear the Mayor accuse the Congresswoman of not being locally available or in tune with the Latino community.
The Congresswoman has personally been to our office, met with us many times over the years and in past years she has met with our editorial board.
Few know she can defend herself in Spanish. She has a field representative contact our office no less than once a week. Congresswoman Mack attended our very first and several of our Annual International Hispanic Film Festivals inclusive of Palm Springs . We have held 12 internationally. She has attended many and has been honored at the Annual International Hispanic Awards, now numbering 14.
It is incumbent on those who know, to clarify the issue. Stating that Congresswoman Mack is out of touch mires Latinos in an intentionally stated falsehood. Unfortunately, Latinos take politicians at their word and seldom hold them accountable. Those who are married to the Democrat party proliferate a lie until it is declared gospel. That includes Latinos as well as gay activists who for some misinformed reason believe sex orientation trumps experience, policy and the truth. This is not about the fact Mayor Pougnet is married to another man, it is about speaking with factual information.
There are four local politicians who we have not seen at any of our gatherings and we have been publishing La Prensa Hispana Newspaper, known in the East Valley as “Latino Community Central” for 20 years.
Let me list the four politicians who are conspicuous by their absence: Senator Barbara Boxer from Rancho Mirage, Assemblyman Manuel Perez with an office three blocks from our office but we have not seen or heard from him since election, State Senator Ducheny with offices in Coachella and Mayor Pougnet. Incidentally, my photo wall also includes Governor Davis, Lt. Governor Bustamante, Palm Springs former Mayor Ron Oden an assortment of Democrat Congressmen and Juan Vargas from San Diego, a Democrat running for Senator Ducheny’s seat who again visited our office this week. I mention this to preclude accusations of political bias and a closed door to any party or group.
You may get the point there is a cabal of politicians intent on running on falsehoods. The expediency of lying seems to always work in the Latino community. Mayor Pougnet stated in an interview on local Spanish television Univision, he, California Assemblyman Manuel Perez and Coachella Mayor Eduardo Garcia had put together a plan to resolve the current immigration and jobs crisis. The absolute sadness of this tremendous fib is Latinos who do not know any better believe it! As a Federal issue, if Obama wanted immigration reform, he could have it by tomorrow. Misinformed Latinos starving for resolution insist on believing political diatribe.We have had enough Hope for Change and what we are looking for is truth and Mayor Pougnet, we have never seen you here. We have seen Congressman Connie Mack and he’s from Florida!

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